About Us


The Bonnyville and District Daycare Society became incorporated as a registered not-for-profit society in Alberta on November 23, 2011 and opened for business in April 2012. Effective September 1, 2022, Bonnyville and District Daycare and Bonnyville Youth Club merged to form The Ohana Centre. We operate from the Bonnyville Parent Child Center.


Enhancing our community by helping families thrive!


The Ohana Centre focuses on child and youth development through meaningful programming and connections.


O - OPPORTUNITY: We value opportunity through the growth of our organization and those that we serve.
H - HONESTY: We uphold the integrity of the organization by respecting all individual through honest and transparent communication.
A - Acceptance: We display acceptance by being inclusive, culturally aware, and promoting equality throughout the organization.
N - NURTURING: We foster relationships and provide quality care for our families in a safe, fun, and supportive environment.
A - ACCOUNTABILITY: We are accountable to our families, our community, and our staff.


We encourage all parents to become members of the society and to attend our Annual General Meeting held each year by September 30th. The daycare is managed by a Board of Directors elected from the society’s membership.

Bonnyville and District Daycare Society current Board members:

  • Denika Vachon, Chair
  • Alyssa McKibbon, Vice Chair
  • Sara Lavoie, Secretary
  • Vacant, Treasurer
  • Byron Johnson, Director / Town of Bonnyville Councilor
  • Lise Danyluk, Director
  • Ashley Buchanan, Director
  • Erin Murphy, Director
  • Lauren Gorrill, Directory

Interested in joining our Board? Email [email protected].